Volunteer With Us
Find Your Peace is always looking to associate with young, passionate and driven individuals who strongly wish to contribute to the mental health of society. We run several programs that aim at enriching the individual's experience and knowledge.
Feel free to register for whichever program suits your time availability best. All are certified by Find Your Peace.
1. Internship
Always had a zest to do more and go beyond the textbook? Our Internship program is just for you!
Our creative and dynamic teams work in tandem with the organization's goals to achieve a healthier future.
Our internships are value and incentive driven. No fixed stipend is offered.
2. Campus Ambassador Program
What if you could study and gain practical knowledge? Give in a few hour/month and see the difference you can have on someone's life.
Our CAP team ensures far reaching effects of all the company's initiatives to increase mental health awareness.
Our Campus Ambassador program is open to everyone without any hidden costs attached.